Assessing Resources: What are the requirements?

Wednesday, January 15
1 PM Central Time

The resource assessment process can be confusing: what tools to use, when to use them, what to do with the results, and by the way, how does this help my program? Well, resource assessment assists your program more than you might think. Resources necessary for a successful program include faculty, administrative support, curriculum, financial support, workspace, classroom and lab space, clinical and field internship affiliates, equipment, supplies, information technology, and instructional materials. It takes significant resources to build and maintain a successful program. The resource assessment process is one important component when seeking feedback on your program, analyzing your needs, and planning for the future. This session will discuss the resource assessment tools and the process used to capture and analyze the results and use those results as a basis for short- and long-range planning. Resource assessment can be an important strategy to advocate for additional resources your program may need.

Patricia Tritt, MA, RN, is a long-time EMS educator and has been responsible for the administration of comprehensive EMS education programs for all levels of prehospital providers in numerous states. Her roles have included program director, program administrator/dean, and associate vice president. She has also provided administrative direction for a level I trauma center.

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