Request for Approval of a NEW Satellite Location
Do you offer an off-campus location of the AEMT or paramedic educational program where students can complete the laboratory (or similar hands-on skills) professional course(s) without attending the main campus?
Are you planning to add a satellite campus? Do you have approval from the CoAEMSP to conduct the cohort of students?
CoAEMSP grants approval for the satellite location, not per cohort.
If the program sponsor currently has approved satellite(s), it is not required to submit a completed Satellite Approval Request form to start a new cohort. Each satellite is approved until the program notifies CoAEMSP that the satellite is no longer being used. The program sponsor will be invoiced for each approved satellite location on the CoAEMSP Annual Fee invoice emailed to the program each spring.
To ADD a NEW satellite location, the program sponsor must submit a completed Satellite Approval Request form at least 60 days in advance of the course start date and pay the applicable annual satellite fee for the new location before final approval is granted.
To Voluntarily Withdraw a satellite location, the program must submit a completed Voluntary Withdrawal of a Satellite Location template letter.
If a satellite location has been voluntarily withdrawn and the sponsor program wishes to utilize the location again, then the program sponsor must reapply and submit a new Request for Approval of a Satellite Location form.
Questions about this change or about the approval process may be directed to Lynn Caruthers at 214-703-8445, ext 115, or lynn@coaemsp.org.
Satellites and Alternate Locations
To Voluntarily Withdraw a satellite location, the program must submit a completed Voluntary Withdrawal of a Satellite Location template letter.
CAAHEP-accredited programs may develop non-main campus locations to deliver components of the course or, at times, the entire program to meet students’ and stakeholders’ needs. The distinctions and delivery modes can be confusing but are essential in program operation and assessment. CAAHEP has revised the definition of a satellite. CoAEMSP has defined an alternate location for those sites where a portion of the education is delivered but not the entire didactic and lab components.
The CAAHEP definition of a satellite is:
“Off-campus location(s) that are advertised or otherwise made known to individuals outside the sponsor. The off-campus location(s) must offer all the professional didactic (which may include any distance education delivery modality) and laboratory content of the program. Satellites(s) are included in the CAAHEP accreditation of the sponsor and function under the direction of the Key Personnel of the program. CoAEMSP may establish additional requirements that are consistent with CAAHEP Standards and policies”.
As indicated, satellites must function under the direction of the CAAHEP-accredited AEMT or paramedic program and cannot operate independently. Important changes to requirements for satellites include the following:
- Programs must hold CAAHEP accreditation and be in good standing to be eligible to request CoAEMSP approval for a satellite location. Operating a satellite involves unique challenges. The experience of conducting an ‘on-campus’ course is vital as the program is established.
- Due to the potential distance and separation from the main campus, a Lead Instructor must be appointed and responsible for on-site coordination of the entire course. The Lead Instructor must meet all of the CAAHEP Standards. However, individuals who have been in this position with a satellite continuously from the date of hire before the 2015 CAAHEP Standards and who do not meet the Associate Degree requirement prescribed under the current CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines may continue in the role of Lead Instructor with that program, as long as the program continuously maintains CAAHEP accreditation. If there is a change in the Lead Instructor, the new Lead Instructor must meet the 2015 CAAHEP Standards.
- Students enrolled in a satellite educational program must receive the same level of instruction and evaluation as those students enrolled in the main campus program. Therefore,
- curricula, syllabi, scheduled hours and sequencing, student methods of evaluation, and required competencies must be consistent with the main campus.
- texts, assignments, and learning management platforms must be consistent regardless of the student location.
- other consistencies include the application of program policies and requirements for patient contacts and competencies.
- consistent clinical and capstone field internship experiences include preceptor training and faculty monitoring and oversight of the clinical, field experience, and capstone field internship experiences.
- Student records may be kept at the satellite during the course; however, permanent student records must be maintained on the main campus.
- Satellite locations outside the state where the main campus is located are subject to additional requirements. The program must ensure that all requirements to operate are approved in advance by the State Office of EMS in which the satellite is located.
- When the satellite is in a different state from the program, the program must have a Medical Director who can legally provide supervision for students in that state. If the program’s Medical Director or Associate Medical Director cannot provide out-of-state supervision, the sponsor must appoint an Assistant Medical Director. Assistant or Associate Medical Directors must be approved in advance by CoAEMSP.
- Application for a new satellite must be submitted after a Lead Instructor has been named and approved by the CoAEMSP.
- A completed CoAEMSP Request for Approval of a Satellite Location application, payment of the annual satellite fee, and approval by CoAEMSP of the new satellite location are required before advertising or enrolling students at a satellite location. Failure to obtain CoAEMSP approval for the satellite location may result in Administrative Probation and may lead to a recommendation to CAAHEP for Withdrawal of Accreditation.
The form can be found here
Students enrolled at satellite locations are identified as a separate cohort in the CoAEMSP Annual Report. An annual Resource Assessment Matrix (RAM) will be required separately from the main campus.
The satellite locations are included in the CAAHEP continuing accreditation review of the main campus. The site visit team will review and assess the satellite(s) and the main campus. The previously mentioned requirements will be evaluated.
If the program elects to discontinue a satellite location, the program must submit a completed Voluntary Withdrawal of a Satellite Location template letter for each satellite location. Reactivation of satellites at a later date requires the program’s sponsor to submit a new CoAEMSP Request for Approval of a Satellite Location application.
In summary, oversight of the satellite by the Program Director and Medical Director is critical throughout the course. Any student enrolled in a CoAEMSP-approved satellite has the right to receive the same education program as students at the main campus.
Alternate Locations
The CoAEMSP definition of an alternate location is:
“A location that is separate from the main campus of the CAAHEP-accredited AEMT or paramedic education program where a portion of the program is conducted which may include skill practice or testing, periodic lecture or other learning activity, or other student assessments. This location does not meet the definition of a satellite and does not offer all the professional didactic and/or laboratory content of the program.”
Alternate locations require CoAEMSP approval and an annual fee paid for each site.
- Programs must hold CAAHEP accreditation and be in good standing to be eligible to request CoAEMSP approval for an alternate location.
- Alternate locations may be included for review during a continuing accreditation site visit.
- If the alternate location is located in a state other than the main campus, the program must ensure that all requirements to operate are approved in advance by the State Office(s) of EMS in which the alternate locations are located.
- At the time of the site visit, evidence of adequate resources will be required.
- Management of the alternate location and any educational activities are the responsibility of the Program Director
- The program must submit a completed Voluntary Withdrawal of an Alternate Location template letter to discontinue an alternate location. If an alternate location has been discontinued and the sponsor wishes to utilize it again, the sponsor must reapply and submit a new CoAEMSP Request for Approval of an Alternate Location form.
The form and template letter can be found at https://coaemsp.org/resource-library.
Confirm you are using the most current forms! Always check the CoAEMSP website to ensure you have the latest forms and information, including the CoAEMSP Policies and Procedures Manual for Programs, which outlines this policy.