Webinars and Videos

Take advantage of the array of accreditation tools provided by CoAEMSP to assist programs, such as explanations, articles, and webinars.

Upcoming Webinars

Writing Test Items
Dan Limmer, BS, LP
Wednesday, September 18 at 1 PM Central Time

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Writing quality exam items is one of the most important activities for instructors and programs. It is easy to dash off questions the night before an exam, but is this item testing important content and concepts; is the item clear, and does it include a correct option or options; is the item free from bias; does the item test critical thinking; were the items reviewed and revised by a panel of instructors; did the Medical Director review the items; was the exam blueprinted? These are just a few checkpoints in the exam development process. Following administration of the exam, what was the review and revision process? How were the items evaluated for validity and reliability, and what was the result of that review? This presentation will provide food for thought on continually improving these testing tools to enable the student and the program to develop the necessary competencies.

Daniel Limmer, BS, LP, continues a career in EMS and Law enforcement that has spanned more than 40 years. He is the Director of Innovation for the National Medical Education and Training Center in Bridgewater, MA. Dan is an educator who speaks at EMS conferences around the world. He is a co-author of several textbooks, including Emergency Care, EMR Complete, the education standards Transition Series for EMT, AEMT and Paramedic, and EMPACT. He develops smartphone and web-based review apps for the emergency service fields through his company, Limmer Education, LLC.

Death In Custody
Eric Jaeger, JD, NRP
Wednesday, October 16 at 1 PM Central Time

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This presentation explores the challenging issues surrounding death in custody and the safe use of ketamine for chemical restraint. This is one of the most important conversations in EMS today. In the past, deaths in custody were often attributed to “excited delirium,” but this diagnosis has been called into question. Through the lens of Elijah McClain’s death in 2019 and other deaths in custody, we’ll examine the pathophysiology of death in custody and the dangers of prone restraint and positional asphyxia. Several deaths have been reported in connection with the administration of ketamine to patients restrained by police. While recent studies provide evidence that ketamine is safe and effective, we must develop a better understanding of the potential risks associated with ketamine. We must sit down with law enforcement to clarify the roles and responsibilities of EMS providers and law enforcement during these encounters. We must explore the role implicit bias plays in the actions of EMS and law enforcement. We’ll discuss how to protect not only our patients but also our fellow EMS providers and law enforcement colleagues.

Does Your Program Outsource Resources?
Megan Corry, EdD, EMTP, CHSE
Patricia Tritt, MA, RN
Thursday, November 21 at 1 PM Central Time

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Many program sponsors work cooperatively with community partners to pool resources for their Paramedic or AEMT courses. This can include instructional services, space, equipment, or supplies. If this applies to your program, what is your agreement with the community partner? Do you have a written agreement? Who is responsible for the services? What are the lines of authority and reporting? What happens if the partner no longer contributes? Is a satellite location considered outsourcing? What is the CoAEMSP policy for outsourced services? This session will discuss what is included in outsourced resources and examples of partnerships and services that programs may be engaged in.

Patricia Tritt, MA, RN, is a long-time EMS educator and has been responsible for the administration of comprehensive EMS education programs for all levels of prehospital providers. She has been a CoAEMSP site visitor and Board member and is currently a technical consultant to the CoAEMSP. Pat is an ICISF faculty member and has trained crisis support teams in a variety of countries. Pat has received: recognition for contributions to Colorado EMS: C. J. Shanaberger Award; 9 Who Care Award as a leader of volunteer services in Colorado; NAEMT President’s Leadership Award, ICISF Award for Collaborative Outreach in the Field of Crisis Response; Daniel L. Storer, MD Award for contributions to the EMS professions; 2012 Swedish Medical Center Leadership Award, Colorado EMSAC Presidents Award, and National Association of EMS Educators Legends That Walk Among Us award.

Megan Corry, EdD, EMTP, CHSE has over 20 years of teaching and leadership experience in higher education and has been a CoAEMSP Site Visitor since 2012. She serves as a member of the Board of directors at the CoAEMSP, sponsored by the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) and is on the board of advisors at the Prehospital Care Research Forum (PCRF). Dr Corry works to improve research literacy and evidence-based teaching and learning practices in EMS education. Her doctoral work focused on the influence of organizational culture during an institutional accreditation crisis at City College of San Francisco in 2012.

SMCs – AEMT & Paramedic
Mike Miller, EdD, RN, NRP
Wednesday, December 18 at 1 PM Central Time

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Educating clinicians with a focus on competency to enter the profession is an enormous responsibility. Accreditation Standards broadly frame the educational goal to be attained by programs as preparing graduates who are “competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective domains.” Programs are to make available resources and student experiences to demonstrate competency achievement, including documented evidence of assessing the progression of learning for each student in attaining competency. The Student Minimum Competency (SMC) Recommendations adopted by CoAEMSP for Paramedic and AEMT provide a framework to assist programs in establishing program-required minimum skills and patient encounters from formative exposure to competency evaluation. Join us for a review and conversation of the Paramedic and AEMT SMC Recommendations.

Mike joined CoAEMSP as Assistant Director in 2021. Mike has 40 years of experience in EMS. He was an associate professor and director of Creighton University’s Emergency Medical Services Education Program for 19 years; he has practiced as a Paramedic and registered nurse, Paramedic shift supervisor, quality improvement coordinator, EMS system director, emergency department RN, and trauma program coordinator. Other professional activities have included being a Board Member and Site Visitor for the CoAEMSP, a member of the Nebraska Board of EMS, a Board Member for the National Association of EMS Educators, and has served as a contributing author and a reviewer for several EMS publications. Numerous conference presentations and workshops have been facilitated by Mike, focusing on clinical, leadership, and educational topics. Educational accomplishments include a Doctor of Education in Interdisciplinary Leadership, a Bachelor of Science in EMS, and a Master of Science Degree in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, all from Creighton University.

Archived Webinars with Supporting Resources

Click on video graphic to view

  • Complex Interplay of EMS Education and Workforce
  • Writing Effective Syllabi
  • Voluntary AEMT Accreditation: Process & Pathway
  • Annual Reports 2022
  • Conversation with American Sirens Author Kevin Hazzard on the Incredible Story of the Black Men Who Became America’s First Paramedics
  • Implementing the 2023 CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines for the EMS Professions
  • Continuous Quality Review: Strategies to Improve the Educational Program
  • Fair Practices, CAAHEP Standard V
  • Resource Assessment
  • Satellites and Alternate Locations
  • Student Minimum Competency Recommendations: Are you ready?
  • Preceptors – A Cornerstone to a Successful Capstone Experience
  • Clinical Coordination
  • Strategic Planning: Best Practices
  • Retention
  • Annual Reports – What You Need to Know: Programs WITH Satellite Campuses
  • Annual Reports – What You Need to Know: Programs with NO Satellite Campuses
  • Simulation
  • Student Minimum Competency (SMC) Matrix Recommendations by CoAEMSP effective January 1, 2023 – Q&A
  • Student Minimum Competency (SMC) Matrix Recommendations by CoAEMSP effective January 1, 2023
  • Affective Domain Expectations
  • Listening Sessions for Revisions to the CAAHEP Standards for the EMS Professions
  • Dean – How Can I Support the Program Director?
  • Evaluate your examinations: The significance of high stakes examination analysis
  • Maintaining an Accredited Program: Just what were those Program Director responsibilities again?
  • Assessing and Documenting the Progression of Learning
  • Preceptor Training Practices
  • Frequent Citations and How to Address Them in Advance
  • A Conversation with the CoAEMSP
  • How to Use the Interpretations
  • Available Resources
  • Completing the Self-Study Report
  • How to Use the Executive Analysis
  • Getting Started: An Action Plan for CAAHEP Accreditation
  • Pitfalls of Tracking Student Progress
  • Assessing Resources: Why is it important and how to incorporate it into your program
  • Preparing Your Progress Report or Response to the Findings Letter
  • Q&A: CAAHEP Accreditation: From Beginning to End
  • Program Directors and Written Exam Item Analysis