Continuous Quality Review: Strategies to Improve the Educational Program

Recorded August 2, 2023

Patricia Tritt, MA, RN, Technical Consultant, CoAEMSP
Lisa Collard, AS, Assistant to Executive Director, CoAEMSP

Programs should evaluate their services in a variety of ways, obtaining input from multiple sources. Assessment methods include resource assessment tools; regular surveys or evaluations from students; end-of-program evaluations from students; evaluations from students on specific clinical and field internship rotations and preceptors; comments from students, faculty, employers, and Advisory Committee members; CoAEMSP Annual Report; and use of tools such as a SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). These processes are all part of quality assessment and review and provide the basis for long-range planning. This presentation will review available tools, appropriate intervals, and best practices from participants.

  • Describe various methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of their EMS educational program.
  • Identify which evaluation tools are required by CoAEMSP for program and student evaluation.
  • List the timing of the required evaluation tools.


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