These Videos Explain the Importance of Accreditation
Students will want to understand the difference between programmatic accreditation and institutional accreditation before making the important decision about what Paramedic educational program to attend. Graduating from an accredited Paramedic educational program can make a significant difference in a student’s career. Watch the video to learn more.
A student’s education makes a big difference in their level of competence to enter the profession as a Paramedic. Employers will want to invest in students who can add value to their organization as they care for the American public in their greatest time of need.
Watch the video to learn more.
U.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
U.S. Department of Education
Potential Paramedic Students
What you need to know when considering a career as a paramedic and evaluating programs for enrollment. Learn more.
The school you want to attend may be accredited, but what about the EMS-Paramedic educational program? Watch the video “Specialized and Professional Accreditation: What should I know?” produced by the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA).
To find an accredited Paramedic program near you, search by state by clicking here.