For Initial Accreditation
After a program receives the LoR, the program will complete the Initial Accreditation Self-Study Report (ISSR). The ISSR is due no later than 6 months after graduation of that class of students that was first enrolled after the date of issue of the LoR.
The program will submit along with the ISSR the appropriate fees (i.e., evaluation and site visit). CoAEMSP will notify the program if there are exceptions to the flat site visit fee requiring additional payment. Supplemental ISSR appendices forms are available below should they be needed.
For Reaccreditation
Accredited programs will be notified by the CoAEMSP Executive Office approximately 6 months prior to the due date of the self-study report.
The program will submit along with the CSSR the appropriate fees (i.e., evaluation and site visit). CoAEMSP will notify the program if there are exceptions to the flat site visit fee requiring additional payment. Supplemental CSSR appendices forms are available below should they be needed.
Self-Study Documents and Reports
Supplemental Self-Study Report (SSR) Forms
Supplemental forms that may be needed for the completion of the SSRs are available on the Resource Library page.