CoAEMSP-facilitated Sessions at NAEMSE Annual Symposium, August 14-19, 2023


Learn first-hand from the CoAEMSP on topics that will impact paramedic education programs in the coming year.


Slides: CoAEMSP / CAAHEP Update
Aug-2023 Download

Paramedic Program Accreditation: Best Practices and Common Questions

Hundreds of emails and phone calls are received by the CoAMESP team throughout any given year. Some inquiries require simple guidance, and others are complex, with the need for a comprehensive analysis of the situation. Regardless of the situation, CoAEMSP staff are available to support, encourage, and consult with programs. During this session, we reviewed the most frequently cited accreditation standards and offered guidance on best practices to avoid common pitfalls. We offered answers to some common questions. Perhaps you are seeking guidance on how best to leverage your advisory committee. What are the qualifications to serve as a “public” member of the advisory committee? Are there strategies to build rapport and gain access to clinical sites? Do you need assistance with the development of a particular policy? Join us as we discuss best practices, provide guidance, dispel myths, and answer your questions.


Slides: Paramedic Program Accreditation: Best Practices and Common Questions
Aug-2023 Download

CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines

Over the past two years, CoAEMSP has been navigating the process of revising and updating the 2015 version of the CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines for the Accreditation of Educational Programs in the Emergency Medical Services Professions. The CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines are based on a CAAHEP template with modified requirements specific to the EMS profession. Following multiple reviews and stakeholder engagement, including public comment periods, we are excited to provide the timeline for implementation. Join us as we explore the revised CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines


Slides: CAAHEP Standards & Guidelines Revisions
Aug-2023 Download