Assessing Resources: What are the requirements?

Wednesday, January 15
1 PM Central Time

The resource assessment process can be confusing: what tools to use, when to use them, what to do with the results, and by the way, how does this help my program? Well, resource assessment assists your program more than you might think. Resources necessary for a successful program include faculty, administrative support, curriculum, financial support, workspace, classroom and lab space, clinical and field internship affiliates, equipment, supplies, information technology, and instructional materials. It takes significant resources to build and maintain a successful program. The resource assessment process is one important component when seeking feedback on your program, analyzing your needs, and planning for the future. This session will discuss the resource assessment tools and the process used to capture and analyze the results and use those results as a basis for short- and long-range planning. Resource assessment can be an important strategy to advocate for additional resources your program may need.

Patricia Tritt, MA, RN, is a long-time EMS educator and has been responsible for the administration of comprehensive EMS education programs for all levels of prehospital providers in numerous states. Her roles have included program director, program administrator/dean, and associate vice president. She has also provided administrative direction for a level I trauma center.

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Does Your Program Outsource Resources?

Megan Corry, EdD, EMTP, CHSE
Patricia Tritt, MA, RN

Recorded on November 21, 2024

Many program sponsors work cooperatively with community partners to pool resources for their Paramedic or AEMT courses. This can include instructional services, space, equipment, or supplies. If this applies to your program, what is your agreement with the community partner? Do you have a written agreement? Who is responsible for the services? What are the lines of authority and reporting? What happens if the partner no longer contributes? Is a satellite location considered outsourcing? What is the CoAEMSP policy for outsourced services? This session will discuss what is included in outsourced resources and examples of partnerships and services that programs may be engaged in.


Slides: Does Your Program Outsource Resources?
Nov-2024 Download
Articles - Does Your Program Outsource
Nov-2024 Download
Did You Know Affiliation Agreements
Nov-2024 Download

Death In Custody

Eric Jaeger, JD, NRP

Recorded on Oct. 16, 2024

This presentation explores the challenging issues surrounding death in custody and the safe use of ketamine for chemical restraint. This is one of the most important conversations in EMS today. In the past, deaths in custody were often attributed to “excited delirium,” but this diagnosis has been called into question. Through the lens of Elijah McClain’s death in 2019 and other deaths in custody, we’ll examine the pathophysiology of death in custody and the dangers of prone restraint and positional asphyxia. Several deaths have been reported in connection with the administration of ketamine to patients restrained by police. While recent studies provide evidence that ketamine is safe and effective, we must develop a better understanding of the potential risks associated with ketamine. We must sit down with law enforcement to clarify the roles and responsibilities of EMS providers and law enforcement during these encounters. We must explore the role implicit bias plays in the actions of EMS and law enforcement. We’ll discuss how to protect not only our patients but also our fellow EMS providers and law enforcement colleagues.


Managing the Agitated Patient
Oct-2024 Download

Complex Interplay of EMS Education and Workforce

Ashish R. Panchal, MD, Ph.D., FAEMS
Professor of Emergency Medicine
The Ohio State University

Recorded on Aug. 21, 2024


Slides: Complex Interplay of EMS Education and Workforce
Aug-2024 Download

Syllabi, an Important Tool!

Recorded on July 24, 2024

Disclaimer: The webinar recorded only the speakers’ video. When watching the video, have readily available the slide deck.

A well-written syllabus serves as a roadmap for students that details course expectations, requirements for success, and student expectations and responsibilities. The syllabus summarizes course topics and objectives required for successful completion. Think of the syllabus as the ‘CliffsNotes®’ detailing course instruction and instructor information. For some Paramedic programs, the question is often, ‘How many courses and syllabi are appropriate?’ Format, content, and an appropriate number of effective syllabi will be discussed during this session.


Slides: Writing Effective Syllabi
Jul-2024 Download

Getting Ready for AEMT Voluntary Accreditation

Recorded on June 13, 2024

CoAEMSP will begin accepting applications for Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) voluntary programmatic accreditation on January 1, 2025.

What can you do now to get ready for the accreditation process?

Do you need more information regarding voluntary accreditation before you can make a decision? 

Are you a Program Director who is new to accreditation and wondering where to begin?


Slides: Voluntary AEMT Accreditation: Process & Pathway
Jun-2024 Download

Conversation with American Sirens Author Kevin Hazzard on the Incredible Story of the Black Men Who Became America’s First Paramedics

Kevin Hazzard is a journalist, TV writer, and former paramedic who has written an essential book – American Sirens – chronicling the often overlooked and unknown origins of the paramedic profession.

The story begins in 1968 when twenty-four Black men in Pittsburgh started a revolution in emergency medicine. They were the first to show that medicine could be practiced in the back of an ambulance … and that lives could be saved by professionalizing medical transport.

They were the world’s first paramedics. And until Kevin’s book, they were largely erased from history.

Join Dr. George Hatch for an intimate conversation with Kevin Hazzard, where they discuss the importance of those early days, including the long odds and fierce opposition the early paramedics faced in the waning years of the civil rights era. And they will consider the implications of our shared history for the future of emergency medicine. This is one webinar you will not want to miss.